Benefits of using artificial turf in the gardens

According to the statistics, the most common place where the artificial turf is installed, around the whole world, is in home landscapes, in gardens; this is also true in our country. In Better Than Real Artificial Grass we are aware of this situation, the gardens are the most popular location for installing artificial turfs, this is because of the many benefits that this grasses provide to the homeowners. We are going to focus this section in the benefits of using artificial turf in the gardens.

Maybe the greatest benefit, and also the simplest, that provide this wonderful product to us is the saving of water, a most appreciated liquid, specially in areas with drought conditions as in California. The synthetic turf require almost no water to stay in good shape, therefore there’s no need for the use of an irrigations system, and as an additional advantage, the water service bill will be quite lower.

Another of the benefits is the low maintenance that requires the artificial turf. As everybody knows, regular turf require the use of many tools, the spreading of fertilizers, fumigations and more, in the other hand our artificial grass require almost no maintenance, just with a periodical cleaning is enough. There is no need of spending money on expensive tools like mowers or trimmers; another of the greatest benefits is that the artificial grass takes practically no time for maintenance, which is a great advantage when somebody has not time to do it because of work, a long vacation, work travel, or if a person is not physically able because of a disease or age.

The aesthetic aspect of the garden is also one of the best benefits. Better Than Real Artificial Grass provides synthetic turf that remains green and in perfect shape during a long period of time, regardless of the weather or another factors that commonly affect the regular grass. Additionally, the synthetic grass is more resistant than the regular grass, therefore, it deals easily with the constant transit of people on it.

Our artificial grass is made completely of recyclable material, besides as the grass is synthetic, there is no need of fumigations or another kind of maintenance that might harm the environment. Synthetic lawn avoids the appearing of many types of insects, this is because the pests do not eat this kind of materials.

The grasses for lawns that we provide at Better Than Real Artificial Grass represent no harm to the user, this means that they don’t provoke diseases or allergies of any type.

These are just some of the benefits of the synthetic grasses you can get at Better Than Real Artificial Grass. Remember to follow us on our social media networks, or by phone. If you would like to contact us for budgets, prices, and special offers, please use our phone numbers or email addresses, we count with a very capable team that will treat you in the most proper way.

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