Artificial synthetic grass installed at homes & businesses. Front lawns, back yards, side yards, around the pool, on shady areas, etc. Make your business or home more attractive and add value to your property. Plus, you will save lots of money in water bills and maintenance services.
Installations available in the entire Bay Area in cities such as Alameda, Marin County, Oakland, Petaluma, Sacramento, San Francisco, San Jose, San Rafael, Santa Rosa & many more in North California. Contact us to set up an appointment for a free estimate.

Artificial Grass Installation in Alamo California: Project Before and After
Installation, Residential

Artificial grass installation in Palo Alto – A beautiful garden with synthetic grass
Gardens, Installation, Residential, Synthetic turf

Installation of Artificial Grass in Palo Alto: A Transformation of the Putting Green
Installation, Putting Green, Residential

Installation of artificial grass made in San Anselmo, Marín County, California
Gardens, Playgrounds, Residential