Better Than Real Artificial Grass is a company located in San Rafael, Marin County, in the North Bay, California (just a few miles North of San Francisco), with a Showroom open to the public at 771 Andersen Dr, San Rafael, CA, 94901. Better Than Real Artificial Grass has provided its quality services to so many many clients since 2007, at both commercial and residential properties,  through the entire Bay Area, in cities such as Novato, Oakland, Petaluma, San Jose, San Francisco; in the counties of Alameda County, Contra Costa County, Marin County, San Francisco County, Santa Clara County, San Mateo County, Solano County, Sonoma County and more locations in Northern California.

Better Than Real Artificial Grass is glad to show pictures of some of the projects we have done over the years , where it can be shown how the area looked before and how the are looked after the installation of artificial turf. Better Than Real Artificial Grass thanks our clients for giving us the opportunity and trust to take care of their landscape areas and for all the support to letting us share the pictures of their beautiful synthetic grass lawns for other people to see whom are interested in the benefits of artificial grass.

Synthetic Grass Turf Installations

Looks before/after our projects