Backyard garden contractors in San Carlos, CA

Do you know you can make better use of that extra space in your backyard? Have you thought about the possibilities yet?

There are over a hundred and one things you can do with that little extra space in your backyard when you give it trusted and experienced garden contractors. What is more amazing is installing artificial turf in the space instead of natural sod. Natural sod may be good but artificial turf will give you ten times more benefits.

Benefits of artificial turf when you have an expert do it:

It lasts long: artificial grass will stay on your space for years and years and more years without wearing off. It looks good from the day it was installed until as long as 20 years later.

Costs less to maintain: unlike natural sod that adds to your financial responsibility, artificial grass cost little or nothing to maintain. You don’t have to spend thousands every year paying lawnmowers; You don’t have to spend so much money trying to keep it green during the sunny season when it starts to get brown; you don’t have to spend a lot of money fumigating. It is just too good.

Keeps the reptiles away: reptiles and dangerous insects have no home in artificial turf. Unlike natural grass where pests find comfort and food, artificial turf will be clean and safe because it has no tangible food substance that pests can eat, therefore, it keeps them far away from your garden.

What can you do with your artificial turf garden?

An outdoor get together: it is amazing when you have a friend or a group of friends around to have fun. What could ruin that experience is having dangerous insects attack you or your friends while you are having a good time. Artificial turf eliminates that problem as pests and insects cannot survive inside your garden.

Outdoor sport: you and your family or friends can better enjoy a beautiful and entertaining sporting activity on your smooth and fresh artificial turf all year long without having to worry about mowing it in preparation.

BBQ night: you can have an amazing BBQ time out on your garden, have your kids and dogs on it without fumigation and you can rest assured that you’ll have an entire great time without any casualty.

Having experienced and expert contractors like Better than real artificial grass work on your garden will give you the utmost satisfaction at an affordable rate. Our once in over 20 years rates are very much lower than the amount you would pay a lawnmower for 3 years of maintenance.

Contact us today to get your garden beautified. We also carry out the following services, both inside and outside of California:

Get a free quote right now.

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