The project installed in Calistoga, CA: artificial grass around a vineyard

Want to cut down on the expenses you incur trying to get yourself a good-looking lawn? Tired of seeing the grass turn from brown to green during the hot season? Well, you’re just like the winery client we worked for about seven years ago.

The expenses never stop when it comes to maintaining natural sod. As long as you want to keep having a beautiful landscape and scenery, you have to put in time or money every month. You’re either paying huge sums to lawnmowers to trim the grass or paying for extra maintenance to keep it looking green and lush during the dry season.

The vineyard at Calistoga is a well-known vineyard and winery located in the heart of Napa Valley, California. There was a large rectangular space in the backyard that was approximately 4000 sq. ft.  The owner had a hard time maintaining the natural sod and keeping it low enough to enjoy activities. It cost a lot to mow all the time, and even twice as much when the sunny days arrive.

Northern California can be warm and sunny all year long; imagine how natural grass would look: brown, dirty, and dry. Thankfully, we solved that problem with our artificial turf.

What we did

Since our client needed something more permanent and attractive, we did the following:

We used high-quality artificial grass: We made sure our client got the highest-quality artificial grass. In addition to that, we give you an additional 10-years guarantee so you know you’re getting the best.

Installed putting grass: We knew that our client enjoyed having friends over for recreational activities such as golf, so we installed one of our bestselling turfs, “Fescue Blend” with dead ends. The entire area was around 4000 sq. ft. but we installed our sleek and smooth pine-green artificial turf in only the middle section, which was about 600 sq. ft. with five holes.

Employed highly trained workers: We take pride in the commitment and experience of our installers. They are fully aware of the company’s goals to give utmost satisfaction to our clients, and they deliver it with extreme professionalism. Our workers do a clean job that would make you want to refer us to your friends.

We bring the quality we promise to your doorstep. We take our jobs outside California if our clients require it, to make it easy to satisfy you if you have space outside California.

Our other services include:

Call us now for a perfect and long-lasting job. We’ll be there when we say we will.


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