Landscaping Contractor in San Mateo County, California

Many of our clients in San Mateo County, California, are more convinced than ever that it´s time to renovate the green areas of their homes, businesses, educational institutions, and common areas. Most of them seek low-cost, low maintenance, and ecologically sound alternatives to expensive natural grass. This article will explain how San Mateo County landscaping contractors achieve these goals for their clients.

What is a landscaping contractor?

A landscaping contractor is an outdoor professional who designs, installs, and maintains lawns, gardens, and other green areas. The first step in working with a landscaping contractor is a discovery meeting with the home or business owner to learn what services will be needed. Most professional landscaping contractors can perform all the steps necessary to create a custom landscape. They can design a plan, develop the landscape, plant the flowers, trees, and shrubs, and maintain the yard when the job is complete.

During the initial consultation with a client, the landscape contractor will determine if the client wants any particular plants or has a specific theme in mind. Occasionally, a customer might request trees, shrubs, or other garden features that will not work in their planting area. When this happens, a landscaping contractor has the expertise to recommend more suitable options and can provide sketches or photographs of appropriate alternatives.

One of the main features the landscaping contractor must consider is the type of grass to be used as a backdrop for the rest of the plants and trees. If you live in San Mateo County, your best option is synthetic grass.

The benefits of using an artificial grass contractor in San Mateo County

A synthetic grass expert can offer solutions to your landscaping problems. There’s no need to put down natural grass, struggle to maintain it, and then discover that your green space is no longer green after months of investment!


  • Impressive durability in hot, sunny environments like San Mateo County, California. Since it´s made with high-quality synthetic fibers, it resists harsh weather conditions. It will last for years without you noticing any change.
  • Zero maintenance since it doesn’t require fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides, nor does it ever need to be watered.
  • A variety of finishes, making it a perfect option for landscaping contractors who want to offer putting green installation to their clients in San Mateo County.
  • Pet and child-friendly. The surface of fake grass won’t get too hot, nor will it attract and breed insects. And thanks to its fast drainage, it won’t create puddles when it rains.

Where can I find a knowledgeable artificial grass landscaping contractor?

Look no further! Better Than Real Grass’ landscaping experts know all there is to know about installing high-quality synthetic grass. We specialize in backyard projects, artificial grass sales, and installation of artificial synthetic grass in San Mateo County, California.

Give us a call, and together we can make your green area come alive with the best synthetic grass on the market.

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