Artificial Grass for Pets: Your FAQs Answered

Do you want to know everything you can about making sure your furry friends have a healthy and safe play environment? Artificial grass is one of the best ways! You may already be familiar with the basic benefits of having artificial grass, such as it being toxin and dirt-free, but there are some other FAQs about artificial grass for pets that you might be interested in reading about.

1. How can I keep artificial grass clean if I have pets?

The most common way to clean synthetic turf is by washing it with water. Use a garden hose with a pressure nozzle and focus the water spray on a fixed spot in the direction of the drainage area. If the pressure nozzle isn’t strong enough to remove embedded dirt, consider using a residential-strength hydraulic pressure washer.

2. How do I get rid of dog poop and urine?

Unless your dog is well-trained, you won’t be able to stop him from having an occasional pee or poo accident on your artificial lawn (that’s how realistic it looks!) And even if he is well-trained, there may be times when he won’t be able to control himself (especially if he’s stressed). When this happens, you’ll have to clean your fake grass to avoid stains and unpleasant odors.

The first thing to do if you notice your dog’s poop on the grass is to let it dry out (the poop, not the dog!). Once it’s dry, spray it with water to get it unstuck from the grass, and scoop it up. Rinse the grass again to remove the rest of the dirt. If you want, you can spray some disinfectant or vinegar in the affected area to get rid of any remaining odors or germs.

A professional artificial grass installer in your area can also help you maintain your lawn on a monthly or yearly basis. If you’re looking for artificial grass for dogs in California or interested in purchasing an artificial grass cleaning product, Better Than Real Grass can help.

3. How can I disinfect artificial grass?

Since artificial grass is made of synthetic materials, there’s no need to use harmful pesticides to kill fleas, spiders, beetles, etc. The grass filler and drainage system also prevent ants from creating their “homes” on your lawn.

Even though you won’t have to deal with those issues, you should still regularly disinfect your artificial lawn as a precautionary measure. A home remedy, such as 1-part white vinegar and 4-parts water, will work great to disinfect your synthetic turf. If you have some on hand, dissolve a little baking soda into the mixture. Place the ingredients in a spray bottle, shake well before using, and apply it to the grass. You might notice a slight odor of vinegar, but it’s much better than the smell of urine or poop!

Using a professional artificial grass cleaning service

If you don’t have the time, interest, or tools to maintain your artificial grass, you can opt for a professional service like Better Than Real Grass. We work with artificial grass landscape contractors in the Mountain View, California, area. We’re also available to discuss synthetic grass-related matters in the whole state of California. Drop us a line, or go to our websit to get an obligation-free price quote today!

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